Welcome beloved priestesses, sisters and warriors of life, to Medicines of Pachamama. Healing in sacred portals with Moche goddess Mama Cao Mechereq and sacred plants of the Amazon. We hold you to be re-empowered with the Rose temples, Isis and Maria Magdalene in Glastonbury, heart of Gaia, entering portals and healing with the sacred master plants of the Inca Temples of Tawa Inti Suyo.
We are delighted to share our beautiful and inspiring Healing retreat, it has been weaved over the years, working with powerful tribes of the Amazon and powerful women healers of my own lineages. We welcome you to the rose of our sacred womb, to be healed deeply and tenderly with medicine plants Dietas in sacredness of the Andes and the Amazon. We thank you for the trust and for allowing yourselves to be transformer, liberating our masculine and feminine lineages, after ions of domination and abuse, reclaiming our life force, the wisdom of our ancestors and the divine feminine of the Rose temples together with the medicines of mother earth, restoring your divinity and strength.
Thank you to our ancestors for keeping these medicines and their teachings for passing it over to me so that I can share with you, thank you to our Shipibo grandmothers of the Amazon.
Thank you to the trees, plants and their beauty for sharing and the goddesses and star beings for coming to heal us, reminding us, that we are all medicine in equilibrium. We are all loved priestesses haling to shine, inspire, liberate and co-created life in the light of our love, as true daughter of mother Earth, of the divine feminine, divine masculine. Walking this new times of true awakening as better versions of ourselves, in all our power, magic and creation.
In our healing and initiation, we honour YACUMAMA, at the temples of the Chalice wells and vesical of Pisces temple of sacred Union and temple of the goddess, one of the most powerful temples of feminine and masculine temples of –mother and father waters. We honour it with flowers, prayers, and magical sacred codes of light, after being purified honour and respect our mothers, grand mothers, fathers and grandfathers, in gratitude for life. By taking the Dieta with powerful plants we empower, cleanse and liberate our sacred liquids. We embody ancestral teachings of warrior women of the Amazon, and re-connect with ourselves deeply. This initiation activates love to your yourself in the holy grail- until you became a golden chalice- golden and silver frequency of light.
You reconnect your whole body and energetic field to the cosmos in the cycles of Venus. These powerful plants liberate us from any previous sexual connexions with love and respect, liberates us from any abuse or mistrust, heals bleeding wounds and any energies that need to be cleared and healed.
the diet lasts 15 days will be cleansing our Womb, Urine, blood and sacred feminine flower, based specially with Uvos Colorado, from the Amazon this powerful plant re-news and liberates us from our lineages of abuse, rape, fear, and embarrassment. At the same time, we incorporate other plants to heal infection, sexual illnesses as well as Flor Blanca – white flower for purity and healing.
This initiation includes some of our sacred Q’ero and Toltec codes connections with the cycles of mother moon to liberate our grandmothers and great grandmothers in to infinity with gratitude and forgiveness. 7 generations backwards and 7 generations forwards. So, we can be fully liberated and re-empowered in our own essence. Reclaiming the power of our heart and soveranity to enjoy our sacred feminine sexuality with joy, grace and fertility and creativity.

Sofia Buchuck. Illa Killa. Maestra of ceremonies with sacred plants of the Tawa Inti suyo. Medicine woman form Cusco Peru has been initiated in the Inka Solar temples. Also a ethnomusicologist, has powerful lineages Shipibo Conibo, Shwar, Inca Q’ero. Priestess of the temples of rose of Avalon, Isis and Maria Magdalene and Lemuria. She heals with crystals, and Quantum healing, she is also a musician and singer of medicine music.
She teaches and works with Qero codes, and codes of the Ancestral traditions of the Amazonian and the Andes. Always honouring local medicines, she incorporates medicine plants and teachings of Avalon temples. She has been working with women circles since 1997 in London and South America, organizes spiritual retreats and integrates in her journeys the authentic connexion with shamanic and local traditions.
More information about welcome to visit our website: www.sofiabuchuck.com
· www. Sofiabuchuck.com
· 07928599416
Healing the ancestors, reclaiming your true blue print 20th Nov Glastonbury.
20th, Grandmother ceremony, profound cleansing
21st. we visit the sacred temple of the goddess and temple of sacred waters, Chalice wales, painting our face with Shipibo Conibo plants and seeds reclaiming our womb power.
Will be doing this pilgrimage with grandfather Wachuma, we end up dancing at the Tor, after greeting the portal and meeting all the goddess of the temple of the Rose.
Finalizing with prayers and pilgrimage of flowers, finalize with mama cacao ceremony, celebration before we leave Glastonbury.
**** Retreat 20th, 21st Nov. Divine Feminine, Glastonbury 2021.
Very limited places max 13, minimum 8th.
Two day teachings, Two ceremonies, Initiations. Plus, accommodation and food. 2-day retreat.
1. Mother Ceremony 20th Nov 300
(Deep journey cleansing and powerful ceremony.)
2. Wachuma Ceremony 21st Nov 300 includes two days teachings in the Rose temples, Maria Magdalena, Temple of the goddess and initiations.
3. plant Dieta elixir sacred feminine. Usually 300 for this time 150.
Total price of the second day and the dieta, 450
if you require a complete package including mother medicine ceremony is 750 pounds.
Includes accommodation, food and all teachings plus PDF package to take home.