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Welcome to join us in Egypt, Divine femenine portal 22-2-22

Unique experience lead by sacred temples of Egypt, priestesses of the Rose and Medicines of Pachamama, tawa inti suyo. Be part of this dream come true journey of initiations, healing and activation become on to your divine sacred NEW GOLDEN PACHAMAMA, Become the new divine femenine in service to the light, love and new earth .


Sharing with love and respect, in love, light and magic, so it is !! Illa Killa, Sofia Buchuck




Divine feminine retreat, rising and reclaiming our sacred
energetic portals. Rising with the goddesses of Egypt and
medicines of Pachamama mother earth.​


Rising of the Divine Feminine Energies of Mother Earth

Through the Golden Serpent of Isis

Medicines of Pachamamay


More detailed program inform can be requested by mail:



Ill Killa, Huna watao, Sofia Buchuck, guiding in sacred yanantin with

my divine masculine Tom Schoenmaker, Willka Sunquqñan, Huna Ka Wae Wae Ka Tao,

thank you to our team for being part of this divine feminine retreat.


Sofia Buchuck. (Illa Killa, Huna Wa Ta O)

Moon Light. Chakawarmi Medicine woman from Cusco-Peru, ethnomusicologist, and musician at the Musical School of Mexico, and London. A member of Mosoq Tahua Inti Suyo of the Qapa’q Nan Incan spiritual path Peru, she supports healing with master plants at ancestral ceremonies. Trained with Shipibo Conibo, Shwar, and Q’ero lineages, walking the Toltec Spiritual Path, and a Priestess of the Rose Temples of Avalon, Queen of Magdalene temples and the temple of Isis She canalizes women circles since 1998 in London, and holds retreats in Peru, and South America for many years, through Quilla Sonqo, and Medicines of Pachamama. Welcomes also individual healings, and Moon circles. Priestess of the Isis Golden Serpent temples. Priestess of the Rose of Avalon and priestess of the Inka Solar Path, Tawa inti suyo Chakawarmi of medicines of Pachamama.


Tom Schoenmaker (Willka Sunquqñan, Huna Ka Wae Wae Ka Tao)

Medicine man and healer born Holland, has lived more than ten years in Peru, training and healing in the Tahua Inti Suyo path, working with master plants and maestro of ceremonies, he is a rape’h maestro and heals with tobacco, musician and sound healer, intuitive healer, Sacred Path of the heart (Willka Sunquqñan), Lemurian activation Huna Ka Wae Wae Ka Tao, Quantum Creation, medicine of the Word.

(Present in the Heart , Physically present in UK)


Noha Nasser (Huna Ma Ha Na) 

Co-creator, Co-organizer and co-coordinator of the Egypt program.

Noha is of Egyptian heritage. She is from the Rose Lineage, sealed as a child of the living light, given her Lemurian name Huna Ma Ha Na. She holds the wisdom as Record Keeper of Memories of the Sirian High Council, Keeper of the Sounds of Initiations of Hathor, Priestess of Atlantis, Divine Keeper of the Flames of Love in Lemuria and Divine Priestess Temple Flame Carrier of the Lineage of Isis. Her mission is to sing along the song lines to activate memories of divine feminine wisdom and to bring seekers of truth to these energy points on pachamama. She co-runs the spiritual tour company Life in a Travel Bag.


Ragheb Abushahba (RA the Coach)

Co-creator, Co-organizer and co-coordinator of the Egypt program.

Internationally recognized intuitive life coach, Siddha Yogi, and independent Egyptologist, affectionately known as RA the Coach.

RA will connect you with the wisdom of Ancient Egypt, Cosmology, and Self-Knowledge.

A 20-year career in engineering and business consulting, RA has a solid grounding in science and technology.

He continues to apply his scientific and business knowledge in support of sustainable projects to support conscious living.

Since 2004 RA has been leading groups on adventurous journeys. He leads an internal journey of self-realization, during an external journey around the globe.


Sandira ( Reiki master and Sound healer)

-Sandira grew up New Zealand but is now a resident of London. With a 30 year carrier as a musician, Sandira is now a Master Sound Vibrational Teacher / Sound healer. Reiki master. Uses Dr Bradley Nelson's Blocked Emotion codes and a member of the Crow Tribe. A Wicken/Shamanic group of more Lakota leanings.



More information and to confirm your participation to the following contacts:







Song for the Mother river Nile

 Egypt 2022 Blog and Fotos

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